Caption 1948 : 24 April, First Convention and formation of SUCI(Communist). Comrade Shibdas Ghosh sitting in the centre, Comrade Sachin Banerjee in his right and left Comrade Subodh Banerjee. Standing (Left to right): Comrade Hiren Sarkar, Comrade Rathin Sen, Comrade Pritish Chanda and Comrade Nihar Mukherjee.
Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) [SUCI(C)] is a revolutionary party based on Marxism-Leninism, which emerged as the only communist party of the Indian soil. It was founded on the 24th April, 1948, under the leadership of a foremost Marxist thinker of this era, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh. He was the first General Secretary of the party who passed away on the 5th of August, 1976. After his demise, Comrade Nihar Mukherjee, his comrade-in-arms and a founder member of the party, became the General Secretary.
Close on the heels of the transfer of political power from the British colonialist rulers to the Indian national bourgeoisie, the SUCI (C) came into existence. It was the period when the then undivided and later fragmented Communist Party of India (CPI) prevailed in strength usurping largely the glory of the international communist movement. Miserably failing to grasp the Marxist methodology and fundamental tenets, it could neither pursue a correct line in the freedom struggle of India nor could build up a working class movement with correct class outlook, deviating as it did alternately to the left and to the right. Analyzing the role of the then CPI in the light of Marxism-Leninism and following the dialectical method of analysis, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh came to the firm conclusion that the CPI was not a working class party based on democratic centralism and collective leadership, and that as the inevitable outcome of its non-Marxist activities it had turned out to be a non-working class petty bourgeois social democratic party. From this realization Comrade Shibdas Ghosh embarked upon a struggle to build up the SUCI (C) as the only genuine communist party in India, strictly following the Marxist methodology with a view to fulfilling the essential preconditions, taking along with him a handful of revolutionary compatriots, all who belonged to the uncompromising stream of the freedom struggle. In their struggle to carry forward that historical mission of building up the SUCI(C) as the real communist party, they all engaged fully in an intense socialist ideological struggle covering all aspects of life, thought and organization — not excluding private life – in order to lay the foundation of the party’s ideological centralism, that is, one process of thinking, uniformity of thinking, oneness in approach and singleness of purpose, with such various means for its realization as study classes, study circles, schools of politics and also leaders and cadres living together in party communes — this facilitating a direct interaction between the leaders and the cadres to play a pivotal role. All this helped grow and develop the collective knowledge of the entire party which gave birth to its collective leadership. This collective leadership, in the process of concrete and creative application of Marxism-Leninism in a given country, becomes concrete and personified in the communist party. Within the SUCI(C) Comrade Shibdas Ghosh appeared as the personified expression of the collective leadership, as the leader, teacher and guide of the party. In its struggle to fulfil another fundamental requisite, the party succeeded in giving birth to a band of professional revolutionaries, completely at the disposal of the party, who are engaged in the struggle to identify themselves with the interest of the working class, revolution and the party most happily and without reservation. These preconditions being fulfilled in the course of a relentless ideological, philosophical, political and cultural struggle over several years, the SUCI(C) emerged through a founding convention on the 24th April, 1948. Through this arduous struggle and till his last breath, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh resolutely fought against all shades of bourgeois, petty-bourgeois social democratic and modern revisionist ideology while he carried on at the same time a tireless inner-party struggle for elevation of the proletarian ethical, moral and cultural standard of the cadres and leaders as against the vile influence of vulgar bourgeois individualism.
Steeled and tempered ideologically, politically and culturally in this way, the SUCI has ever been in the thick of struggle to uphold people’s cause against all capitalist, imperialist and fascist forces at home and abroad anywhere. Thus, from a party of a handful revolutionaries back in 1948, it has today expanded countrywide, acting together with and through its trade union, peasant, student, youth and women wings. As with every revolutionary party, innumerable SUCI(C) cadres and leaders have been victims, are still being victims of state terror, brutal repression, imprisonment, and assassination.
Led by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh, the SUCI(C) has always held aloft the banner of proletarian internationalism on each and every problem faced by the world communist movement — be it Khruschevite modern revisionist attack on Stalin, the revisionist disruption of the communist movement, the questions on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of China, so forth. Always defending socialism, communism and the international solidarity of the working class, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh also gave timely pointers to shortcomings within the communist movement with the attitude of self-criticism and with a view to strengthening it. Under the leadership of Comrade Shibdas Ghosh as far back as 1948, while the SUCI(C) acknowledged with just pride and deference the very many achievements, successes and glorious sacrifices of the world communist movement, the party did point out that the “leadership of the world communist camp was to a very large extent influenced by a mechanical process of thinking”. As the continuer of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong, Comrade Shibdas Ghosh contributed immensely to the growth and development of the world communist movement. His penetrating analysis of the newly appeared phenomenon of modern revisionism, detection of its root cause, which at the same time showed the decisive way to defeat and eliminate the same, pointed to the way to free the world communist movement from its pernicious influence. These, together with his brilliant contribution to heightening the understanding of dialectical materialism in the light of correct interpretation of the latest discoveries of modern science, are being hailed increasingly by world communists as being further enrichment of Marxism-Leninism.
In the aftermath of his demise, imbued with his revolutionary thoughts, the party has constantly engaged in contributing its best to serving the cause of world revolution and international communist movement. Analyzing Gorbachev’s so-called ‘Glasnost’ and ‘Perestroika’, the party sensed from the very first the conspiratorial design hidden in it and firmly concluded it to be a “blueprint of counter-revolution”, cautioning the people of Soviet Union and of the whole world about this imminent danger. After the counter-revolution in the erstwhile Soviet Union and other East European countries, our party in its endeavour to defend communism and Marxism-Leninism reinvigorated its ideological-philosophical movement, took powerful initiatives to regroup and rejuvenate the world communist movement and, as a first step, undertook the task of developing a mighty, militant anti-imperialist movement throughout the world with the real communist forces combining in its core as its driving force.
The SUCI(C) vows to uphold the banner of socialist revolution and proletarian internationalism with every drop of blood of its leaders and cadres.
Why SUCI(C) is the Only Genuine Communist Party in India Click Here